Repast Simphony Downloads

Repast Simphony downloads are available as stand-alone installation packages for Windows and macOS. Linux users should follow the instructions for installing Repast Simphony in Eclipse.

Repast Simphony requires the use of Java 8 or later. Repast Simphony versions 2.10 and later include a Java 17 runtime that is bundled as part of the Eclipse distribution. Prior versions of Repast require the installation of a Java runtime.

New users are encouraged to first read the Repast Simphony quick start guide before continuing with further documentation.

Windows Windows Installer Run the executable installer file and follow the installation wizard's prompts. Using the default installation settings is recommended for most users.
macOS (Intel Processors) macOS Disk Image (x86_64) Double click on the dmg file and follow the installation instructions that appear.
macOS (Apple Silicon) macOS Disk Image (aarch64) Double click on the dmg file and follow the installation instructions that appear.
Linux Update Site Install Follow the instructions for installing the Repast Simphony update site for Eclipse.
Repast Model Library Model Archive The model archive is bundled with the installers but may be downloaded separately. See the the Repast Simphony quick start guide for help on importing the demo models.

Previous version of Repast Simphony are available in the release archive.

Repast HPC Downloads

Repast HPC provides a lean and expert-focused C++-based modeling system for use on large computing clusters and supercomputers. After downloading the tarball, untar it, follow the installation instructions in the enclosed INSTALL.txt file, and then consult the Tutorial and Repast HPC Manual.

Repast HPC source code Repast HPC Tar Archive
Repast HPC tutorial code Repast HPC Tutorial Code Tar Archive

Previous version of Repast HPC are available in the release archive.

Repast Simphony Eclipse Update Site

Repast Simphony is provided as an Eclipse update site for users who wish to install Repast into Eclipse directly. This is also the required installation process for linux or any other system for which an automated installer is not available. The update site can also be installed into Eclipse on a Windows or macOS system. Please follow these step to install Repast Simphony via the update site:
  1. Check the Repast Requirements for obtaining a compatible Java Development Kit.
  2. Download Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers 2024-03. Eclipse is provided as a .zip or .tar archive. Extract the eclipse archive to the desired location.

    It is critical that the Eclipse Committers archive is unpacked to a folder to which the user has write access (i.e., it shouldn't be unpacked to a system folder). Do not use the Eclipse installer application (for any OS) since it will install Eclipse and the Repast plugins to different folders. The Repast plugins must be located in the eclipse/plugins folder.

  3. Use the Eclipse Update Manager (under Help -> Install New Software) to install Repast and required dependencies from their respective update sites.
    • Install Groovy Eclipse e4.31 from the update site:
      • Install the Main Package: Eclipse Groovy Development Tools
    • Install Xpand SDK 2.2 from our update site mirror:
      • NOTE: The Xpand/Xtend plugins are no longer supported by Eclipse update sites which is why the Repast team provides this mirror that works with current Eclipse releases.
    • Install Repast from the update site:
      • When installing from the Repast update site, you may receive an Eclipse security warning "Warning: You are installing software that contains unsigned content...". This warning may safely be ignored and is due to the Repast Eclipse plugin jars are not signed with a security certificate.
    • Uninstall Wild Web Developer
  4. Once you have downloaded Eclipse and installed all required plugins, check that the groovy compiler version is set to 3.0.x in Preference -> Groovy -> Compiler. Other values may prevent Repast Simphony and ReLogo from working correctly.
  5. The demonstration models are not provided via the update site, but they are available in the downloads section at the top of the page.

Previous versions of the Repast update site are available as archives via the github releases for the respective versions here. To install one of these archived update sites (repast.simphony.updatesite.[version].zip), select the "Archive" button and then select the downloaded zip file.