Class DisplayGIS3D

All Implemented Interfaces:
Renderer, ProjectionListener, IDisplay

public class DisplayGIS3D extends AbstractDisplay
Display for GIS 3D
Eric Tatara TODO GIS add separator layers that are always hidden with predefined String key IDs that can be used to separate layer types such as agent layers, network layers, coverage layers, wms layers, etc.
  • Field Details


      protected static final double MIN_DEFAULT_ZOOM_ALTITUDE
      See Also:

      public static final String BACKGROUND_LAYER_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String LAYER_ID_KEY
      See Also:
    • updateLock

      protected Lock updateLock
    • panel

      protected JPanel panel
    • layout

      protected Layout layout
    • layoutUpdater

      protected LayoutUpdater layoutUpdater
    • initData

      protected GISDisplayData<?> initData
    • geog

      protected Geography geog
    • model

      protected gov.nasa.worldwind.Model model
    • classStyleMap

      protected Map<Class<?>,AbstractRenderableLayer<?,?>> classStyleMap
    • networkLayerMap

      protected Map<Network<?>,NetworkLayerGIS> networkLayerMap
    • coverageLayerMap

      protected Map<String,CoverageLayer> coverageLayerMap
    • globeLayers

      protected List<gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Layer> globeLayers
    • coverageToRenderableMap

      protected Map<org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D,gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceImage> coverageToRenderableMap
    • worldWindow

      protected gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.WorldWindowGLJPanel worldWindow
    • displayMode

      protected String displayMode
    • layerPanel

      protected LayerPanel layerPanel
    • doRender

      protected boolean doRender
    • visible

      protected boolean visible
    • backgroundColor

      protected Color backgroundColor
    • viewControlsSelectListener

      protected RepastViewControlsSelectListener viewControlsSelectListener
    • statusBar

      protected RepastStatusBar statusBar
    • roundGlobe

      protected gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe roundGlobe
    • flatGlobe

      protected gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.FlatGlobe flatGlobe
    • trackAgents

      protected boolean trackAgents
    • boundingSector

      protected gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector boundingSector
    • positionListener

      protected DisplayGIS3D.GlobePositionListener positionListener
    • updater

      protected Runnable updater
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • registerStyle

      public void registerStyle(Class<?> clazz, StyleGIS<?> style)
      Register the agent class and style information
      clazz - the agent class to style in the display
      style - the agent style
      order - the agent layer order in the display
    • registerNetworkStyle

      public void registerNetworkStyle(Network<?> network, NetworkStyleGIS style)
      Register the network and style information
      network - the network
      style - the network style
    • registerCoverageStyle

      public void registerCoverageStyle(String coverageName, CoverageStyle<?> style)
      Register the dynamic coverage and style information
      coverageName - the coverage name to style in the display
      style - the coverage style
      order - the coverage layer order in the display
    • createPanel

      public void createPanel()
    • getPanel

      public JPanel getPanel()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Gets a panel that contains the actual gui for visualization.
      a panel that contains the actual gui for visualization.
    • isVisible

      protected boolean isVisible()
    • probe

      public void probe(gov.nasa.worldwind.event.SelectEvent event)
    • init

      public void init()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Initializes the display. Called once before the display is made visible.
    • createBackgroundLayer

      protected void createBackgroundLayer()
      Create a simple background layer that is a single colored rectangle that covers the entire globe.
    • createStaticRasterLayer

      protected gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.RenderableLayer createStaticRasterLayer(String filename, boolean forceLongitudeFirstAxis)
      Adds a static raster layer from the provided file. The raster BufferedImage is created and added to the WWJ Globe so that it persists as long as the display exists, but is not updated with display updates.
      filename - the GIS raster filename to display
      forceLongitudeFirstAxis - true if lon should be forced first axis in coverage loader
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      !!! Destroy needs to properly dispose and shutdown of WorldWind objects to prevent memory leaks !!!!
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface IDisplay
      destroy in class AbstractDisplay
    • addObject

      protected void addObject(Object o)
      Specified by:
      addObject in class AbstractDisplay
    • moveObject

      protected void moveObject(Object o)
      Specified by:
      moveObject in class AbstractDisplay
    • removeObject

      protected void removeObject(Object o)
      Specified by:
      removeObject in class AbstractDisplay
    • setLayout

      public void setLayout(Layout layout)
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Sets the Layout for the display to use.
      layout - the layout to use
    • setLayoutFrequency

      public void setLayoutFrequency(IDisplay.LayoutFrequency frequency, int interval)
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Sets the frequency of the layout.
      frequency - the frequency of the layout
      interval - the interval if the frequency is AT_INTERVAL. The interval is in terms of number of calls to update()
    • update

      public void update()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Updates the state of the display to reflect whatever it is that it is displaying.
    • render

      public void render()
      Description copied from interface: Renderer
      Render the display. This rendering should take place asynchronously on the AWT thread.
    • setPause

      public void setPause(boolean pause)
      Description copied from interface: Renderer
      Pause the rendering. The Renderer should update and render if pause is true, if possible. The rendering should take place asynchronously on the AWT thread.
    • getLayout

      public Layout getLayout()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Gets the layout the display uses
      a layout object
    • getRegisteredClasses

      public List<Class> getRegisteredClasses()
    • createEditor

      public DisplayEditorLifecycle createEditor(JPanel panel)
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Creates an DisplayEditor appropriate for editing this display.
      panel - a JPanel with a BorderLayout to which editor components can be added
      an DisplayEditor appropriate for editing this display or null if this display cannot be edited.
    • resetHomeView

      public void resetHomeView()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Resets the home (initial) view of the display
    • toggleAnaglyphStereo

      public void toggleAnaglyphStereo()
    • registerToolBar

      public void registerToolBar(JToolBar bar)
      Description copied from class: AbstractDisplay
      Registers the specified toolbar with this IDisplay. This IDisplay can then put buttons etc. are on this toolbar. This is a default no-op implementation.
      Specified by:
      registerToolBar in interface IDisplay
      registerToolBar in class AbstractDisplay
      bar - the bar to register
    • initGlobes

      protected void initGlobes(GISDisplayDescriptor.VIEW_TYPE viewType)
      Initialize the WWJ globe (flat/globe)
      viewType - the view type (flat/globe)
    • isFlatGlobe

      public boolean isFlatGlobe()
    • setTrackAgents

      public void setTrackAgents(boolean trackAgents)
    • setRenderQuality

      public void setRenderQuality(RepastStereoOptionSceneController.RenderQuality quality)
    • enableRoundGlobe

      public void enableRoundGlobe(boolean round)
    • toggleInfoProbe

      public void toggleInfoProbe()
    • getClassStyleMap

      public Map<Class<?>,AbstractRenderableLayer<?,?>> getClassStyleMap()
    • getWwglCanvas

      public gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindow getWwglCanvas()
    • getLayerPanel

      public LayerPanel getLayerPanel()
    • deIconified

      public void deIconified()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Notifies this IDisplay that its associated gui widget has been deIconified.
    • iconified

      public void iconified()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Notifies this IDisplay that its associated gui widget has been iconified.
    • closed

      public void closed()
      Description copied from interface: IDisplay
      Notifies this IDisplay that its associated gui widget has been closed.
    • setBackgroundColor

      public void setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)