Interface Geography<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Object type contained by the geography.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContextGeography, DefaultGeography

public interface Geography<T> extends Projection<T>
Space that locates objects in a geographic gis-type space.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addCoverage(String name, org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D coverage)
    Adds the named GridCoverage2D
    Gets the current GISAdder that determines how objects are added to the geometry when added to the containing context.
    Gets all the objects that are in this geography.
    Gets the named coverage layer

    Gets the current coordinate reference system for this geometry.
    Gets the geometric location of the specified object.
    getLayer(Class clazz)
    Gets the layer for the specified type.
    Gets the named layer.
    Gets the names of the layers in this geography.
    getObjectsWithin(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope)
    Gets an iterable over all the objects within the specified envelope.
    <X> Iterable<X>
    getObjectsWithin(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope, Class<X> type)
    Gets an iterable over all the objects within the specified envelope that are of the specified type and only the specified type.
    getUnits(int axis)
    Gets the coordinate reference system's axis units.
    move(T object, org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geom)
    Moves the specified object to the specified location.
    moveByDisplacement(T object, double lonShift, double latShift)
    Displaces the specified object by the specified lon and lat amount.
    moveByVector(T object, double distance, double angleInRadians)
    Moves the specified object the specified distance along the specified angle.
    moveByVector(T object, double distance, javax.measure.Unit<javax.measure.quantity.Length> unit, double angleInRadians)
    Moves the specified object the specified distance along the specified angle.
    queryInexact(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope)
    Queries this geography for objects that MAY intersect the the specified envelope.
    <X> Iterable<X>
    queryInexact(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope, Class<X> type)
    Queries this geography for objects that MAY intersect the the specified envelope and are of the specified type and only the specified type.
    Sets the current GISAdder that determines how objects are added to the geometry when added to the containing context.
    setCRS(String crsCode)
    Sets the coordinate reference system for this Geometry.
    setCRS( crs)
    Sets the coordinate reference system for this Geometry.
    Gets the number of objects in the geography.

    Methods inherited from interface

    addProjectionListener, evaluate, getName, getProjectionListeners, removeProjectionListener
  • Method Details

    • getLayerNames

      Collection<String> getLayerNames()
      Gets the names of the layers in this geography. There will be one layer for each type (by Java class) in a geography.
      the names of the layers in this geography.
    • move

      void move(T object, org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geom)
      Moves the specified object to the specified location. If the location is null then the object remains "in" this projection but without a location. The type of geometry must match the type currently associated with the layer. For example, an object cannot be located at a Point if the layer geometery type is a Polygon. A layer gets its geometry type from the first object that is moved in it.
      object - the object to move
      geom - the location to move the object to
    • getLayer

      Layer getLayer(Class clazz)
      Gets the layer for the specified type.
      clazz - the type associated with the desired layer
      the layer for the specified type.
    • getLayer

      Layer getLayer(String name)
      Gets the named layer.
      name - the layer name
      the named Layer.
    • getCoverage

      org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D getCoverage(String name)
      Gets the named coverage layer
      name - the layer name
      the named coverage
    • removeCoverage

      void removeCoverage(String name)
    • getCoverageNames

      Collection<String> getCoverageNames()
    • addCoverage

      void addCoverage(String name, org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D coverage)
      Adds the named GridCoverage2D
      name -
      coverage -
    • getGeometry

      org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry getGeometry(Object object)
      Gets the geometric location of the specified object.
      object - the object
      the geometric location of the specified object.
    • getObjectsWithin

      Iterable<T> getObjectsWithin(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope)
      Gets an iterable over all the objects within the specified envelope.
      envelope - the bounding envelope
      an iterable over all the objects within the specified location.
    • queryInexact

      Iterable<T> queryInexact(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope)
      Queries this geography for objects that MAY intersect the the specified envelope. This provides a first level filter for range rectangle queries. A second level filter SHOULD be applied to test for exact intersection.
      envelope - the envelope to query for
      an iterable over items whose extents MAY intersect the given search envelope.
    • setCRS

      void setCRS(String crsCode)
      Sets the coordinate reference system for this Geometry. For example, "EPSG:4326". All the locations of the objects in this Geometry will be appropriately transformed.
      crsCode - the coordinate reference system code
    • setCRS

      void setCRS( crs)
      Sets the coordinate reference system for this Geometry. All the locations of the objects in this Geometry will be appropriately transformed.
      crs - the coordinate reference system
    • moveByVector

      org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry moveByVector(T object, double distance, double angleInRadians)
      Moves the specified object the specified distance along the specified angle.
      object - the object to move
      distance - the distance to move in meters
      angleInRadians - the angle along which to move
      the geometric location the object was moved to
    • moveByVector

      org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry moveByVector(T object, double distance, javax.measure.Unit<javax.measure.quantity.Length> unit, double angleInRadians)
      Moves the specified object the specified distance along the specified angle.
      object - the object to move
      distance - the distance to move
      unit - the distance units. This must be convertable to meters
      angleInRadians - the angle along which to move
      the geometric location the object was moved to
    • moveByDisplacement

      org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry moveByDisplacement(T object, double lonShift, double latShift)
      Displaces the specified object by the specified lon and lat amount.
      object - the object to move
      lonShift - the amount to move longitudinaly
      latShift - the amount to move latitudinaly
      the new geometry of the object
    • getCRS getCRS()
      Gets the current coordinate reference system for this geometry.
      the current coordinate reference system for this geometry.
    • getAdder

      GISAdder<T> getAdder()
      Gets the current GISAdder that determines how objects are added to the geometry when added to the containing context.
      the current GISAdder
    • setAdder

      void setAdder(GISAdder<T> adder)
      Sets the current GISAdder that determines how objects are added to the geometry when added to the containing context.
      adder - the new GISAdder
    • getUnits

      javax.measure.Unit<?> getUnits(int axis)
      Gets the coordinate reference system's axis units.
      axis - the axis index.
      the coordinate reference system's axis units.
    • getObjectsWithin

      <X> Iterable<X> getObjectsWithin(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope, Class<X> type)
      Gets an iterable over all the objects within the specified envelope that are of the specified type and only the specified type. Subclasses are excluded.
      envelope - the bounding envelope
      type - the type of objects to return
      an iterable over all the objects within the specified location.
    • queryInexact

      <X> Iterable<X> queryInexact(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope, Class<X> type)
      Queries this geography for objects that MAY intersect the the specified envelope and are of the specified type and only the specified type. Subclasses are excluded.This provides a first level filter for range rectangle queries. A second level filter SHOULD be applied to test for exact intersection.
      envelope - the envelope to query for
      type - the type of objects to return
      an iterable over items whose extents MAY intersect the given search envelope.
    • getAllObjects

      Iterable<T> getAllObjects()
      Gets all the objects that are in this geography.
      an iterable over all the objects in this geography.
    • size

      int size()
      Gets the number of objects in the geography.
      the number of objects in the geography