Class GISDisplayData<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GISDisplayData<T> extends DefaultDisplayData<T>
Provides GIS Display used for initialization of the display. The data here is used primarily during the display.init(). Other types of information can be set using the DisplayCreator.
Eric Tatara
  • Field Details

    • layerOrders

      protected Map<String,Integer> layerOrders
    • staticCoverageMap

      protected Map<String,String> staticCoverageMap
      Map of static raster layer FILES loaded directly to the display <file name, style> for static coverages style can be null
    • globeLayers

      protected Map<String,Boolean> globeLayers
      Globe layers are the default WWJ layers like the WMS background, stars, etc that can be optionally added to displays.
    • viewType

      protected GISDisplayDescriptor.VIEW_TYPE viewType
  • Constructor Details

    • GISDisplayData

      public GISDisplayData(Context<T> context)
  • Method Details