U> Default implementation of an n-dimensional grid.A little class used for getting rid of some hash table lookups.Implements transform according to default grid moveTo semantics.Calculates a new location by translating a current one.CellAccessor<T,U> DefaultGrid<T>A default implementation of a grid backed by a map.Default implementation of an n-dimensional continuous space.An acessor for this grid class.Grid<T>Interface for classes implementing grid type projection space.GridAdder<T>Parameters for creating grids.Encapsulates the dimensions of a space in N dimensions.Represents an n-dimensional discrete point in a grid.Interface for classes that will translate a point by some specified amount.This represents aPointTranslator
that performs an operation using its methods, and then after it has finished doing its translations will pass its result to anotherPointTranslator
.This represents an infinite space.Determines whether or not a particular target is in the Moore neighborhood of a particular source.Coordinate accessor where a location can hold multiple individual objects.This will place the added object at a random location in the space.This is a simple implementation of an adder that doesn't perform any action.Coordinate accessor for a space where each location holds a single object.Border implementation where translates across the border limits are clamped to the border coordinates.Strict border implementation.VNContains<T>Determines whether or not a particular target object is in the Von Neumann neighborhood of a particular source.Periodic type border implementation.