ClassDescriptionAbstract base implementation of NetworkGenerator.A network adjacency matrix that stores its values as doubles.A social network adjacency matrix.Factory for creating networks.Creates an agent / node from a Class.Matrix reader for UCINET dl format files.Loads a Network from a ucinet dl format file.Loads a Network from an excel file.Creates a n x 1 lattice where each vertex is incident to two neighbors (except at the edges if the lattice is non-toroidal.)Generator for n x n lattice where each vertex is incident with its four neighbors except perhaps for the edge vertices depending on whether the lattice is toroidal.Network generator that loads a network from a file.A builder used to build networks.Network format file types.Interface for classes that take nodes and create links between them to create typical network configurations.Interface for reading a network matrix.NodeCreator<T>Creates agents to be used as nodes in a network.Generates a random network with a specified approximate density.WattsBetaSmallWorldGenerator is a graph generator that produces a small world network using the beta-model as proposed by Duncan Watts.