Class CoverageStyleClassStep

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, org.pietschy.wizard.WizardStep, PluginWizardStepListener

public class CoverageStyleClassStep extends CoverageStyleStep
Style editor step for coverage layers
Eric Tatara TODO GIS refactor with parent CoverageStyleStep to use a standard StyleStep that is generic wrt the types of classes and styles used.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • defaultStyle

      public static final String defaultStyle
    • lastDirectory

      public static File lastDirectory
    • styleModel

      protected DefaultComboBoxModel<String> styleModel
    • buildStyleButton

      protected JButton buildStyleButton
    • bgcolorBtn

      protected JButton bgcolorBtn
    • addStaticLayerButton

      protected JButton addStaticLayerButton
    • removeStaticLayerButton

      protected JButton removeStaticLayerButton
    • styleBox

      protected JComboBox<String> styleBox
    • editedStyleFileMap

      protected Map<String,String> editedStyleFileMap
    • backgroundColor

      protected Color backgroundColor
    • styleCache

      protected static Map<Class<?>,List<String>> styleCache
  • Constructor Details

    • CoverageStyleClassStep

      public CoverageStyleClassStep()
  • Method Details