Interface DisplayDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicDisplayDescriptor, CartesianDisplayDescriptor, DefaultDisplayDescriptor, GISDisplayDescriptor

public interface DisplayDescriptor extends Descriptor
Descriptor for displays.
Nick Collier, Eric Tatara
  • Method Details

    • makeCopy

      DisplayDescriptor makeCopy()
      Returns a deep copy of the descriptor.
    • set

      void set(DisplayDescriptor descriptor)
    • setLayoutInterval

      void setLayoutInterval(int interval)
    • getLayoutInterval

      int getLayoutInterval()
    • getDefaultStyles

      Class<?>[] getDefaultStyles()
    • getDefaultNetStyles

      Class<?>[] getDefaultNetStyles()
    • clearProjectionDescriptors

      void clearProjectionDescriptors()
      Removes any added projection descriptors.
    • getDisplayType

      String getDisplayType()
    • setDisplayType

      void setDisplayType(String type, boolean reset)
      Sets the display type of this descriptor. If reset is true, then the fields in the descriptor that depend on type info will be reset.
      type - the display type
      reset - if true, then the fields in the descriptor that depend on type info will be reset.
    • addStyle

      void addStyle(String objClassname, String styleClassName)
    • addEditedStyle

      void addEditedStyle(String objClassname, String userStyleName)
    • addLayerOrder

      void addLayerOrder(String objClassname, int order)
    • addNetworkStyle

      void addNetworkStyle(Object networkID, String networkClassName)
    • addNetworkEditedStyle

      void addNetworkEditedStyle(Object networkID, String networkClassName)
    • getStyleClassName

      String getStyleClassName(String objClassName)
    • getEditedStyleName

      String getEditedStyleName(String objClassName)
    • getLayerOrder

      Integer getLayerOrder(String objClassName)
    • getNetworkStyleClassName

      String getNetworkStyleClassName(Object networkID)
    • getNetworkEditedStyleName

      String getNetworkEditedStyleName(Object networkID)
    • agentClassStyleNames

      Iterable<String> agentClassStyleNames()
    • agentClassEditedStyleNames

      Iterable<String> agentClassEditedStyleNames()
    • agentClassLayerOrders

      Iterable<String> agentClassLayerOrders()
    • networkStyleIDs

      Iterable<Object> networkStyleIDs()
    • networkEditedStyleIDs

      Iterable<Object> networkEditedStyleIDs()
    • getLayoutFrqeuency

      IDisplay.LayoutFrequency getLayoutFrqeuency()
    • setLayoutFrequency

      void setLayoutFrequency(IDisplay.LayoutFrequency frequency)
    • getScheduleParameters

      ScheduleParameters getScheduleParameters()
      Retrieves the parameters for when to activate the display update.
      the parameters for when to activate the display update.
    • setScheduleParameters

      void setScheduleParameters(ScheduleParameters scheduleInfo)
      Sets the parameters for when to activate the display update.
      scheduleInfo - when to activate the display update
    • getLayoutClassName

      String getLayoutClassName()
    • setLayoutClassName

      void setLayoutClassName(String className)
    • setLayoutProjection

      void setLayoutProjection(String name)
      Sets the name of the projection to associate with the layout.
      name -
    • getLayoutProjection

      String getLayoutProjection()
      Gets the name of the projection associated with the layout.
      the name of the projection associated with the layout.
    • getProjections

      Iterable<ProjectionData> getProjections()
      Gets the data for all the projections for which this is the display info.
      the data for all the projections for which this is the display info.
    • getProjectionCount

      int getProjectionCount()
      Gets the number of projections in this display descriptor.
      the number of projections in this display descriptor.
    • addProjection

      void addProjection(ProjectionData proj, ProjectionDescriptor descriptor)
      Adds the data for a projection for which this is the display info.
      proj -
      descriptor -
    • clearProjections

      void clearProjections()
    • getProjectionDescriptors

      Iterable<ProjectionDescriptor> getProjectionDescriptors()
    • getProjectionDescriptor

      ProjectionDescriptor getProjectionDescriptor(String name)
      Gets the ProjectionDescriptor for the named projection.
      name - the name of the projection whose descriptor we want
      the ProjectionDescriptor for the named projection.
    • getLayoutProperties

      VisualizationProperties getLayoutProperties()
      properties for the layout
    • setLayoutProperties

      void setLayoutProperties(VisualizationProperties props)
      Sets the layout properties for this display.
    • getBoundingBox

      BoundingBox getBoundingBox()
      Gets the Bounding Box for the display. This defines the extents of the display
      the BoundingBox
    • setBoundingBox

      void setBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox)
      Sets the BoundingBox for the display. This defines the extents of the display.
      boundingBox - The BoundingBox
    • getProperty

      Object getProperty(String name)
      Gets the named property.
      name - the name of the property
      the named property
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String name, Object value)
      Sets the specified property.
      name - the property's name
      value - the property's value
    • propertyNames

      Iterable<String> propertyNames()
      Gets an iterable of names of the properties contained by this descriptor.
      an iterable of names of the properties contained by this descriptor.
    • getStyles

      Map<String,String> getStyles()
    • getBackgroundColor

      Color getBackgroundColor()
      Gets the background color of the display.
      the background color of the display.
    • setBackgroundColor

      void setBackgroundColor(Color color)
      Sets the background color of the display.
      color - the background color of the display.
    • getLayerOrders

      Map<String,Integer> getLayerOrders()
    • getEditedStyles

      Map<String,String> getEditedStyles()
    • addScenarioChangedListener

      void addScenarioChangedListener(ScenarioChangedListener listener)