Class CGDGraph

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CGDGraph extends Object implements Cloneable
  • Constructor Details

    • CGDGraph

      public CGDGraph()
    • CGDGraph

      public CGDGraph(ArrayList _nodes, HashMap _edges)
  • Method Details

    • addNode

      public void addNode(int index)
    • addDummyNode

      public void addDummyNode(int index)
    • setNodes

      public void setNodes(ArrayList _nodes)
    • getNodes

      public ArrayList getNodes()
    • setEdges

      public void setEdges(HashMap _edges)
    • getEdges

      public HashMap getEdges()
    • getEdge

      public CGDEdge getEdge(int x, int y)
    • getNode

      public CGDNode getNode(int ix)
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      clone in class Object
    • copy

      public void copy(CGDGraph g)
    • compute

      public void compute()
    • processChildRelation

      public TreeSet[] processChildRelation()
      This method assigns a list of children to each node. Next it stores in the array of TreeSet's (each for each node) and returns to a caller.
    • addEdge

      public void addEdge(int x, int y)
    • addEdge

      public void addEdge(int x, int y, Point2D.Double[] _edgePoints)
    • removeEdge

      public boolean removeEdge(int x, int y)
    • getGraphUtil

      public GraphUtil getGraphUtil()
    • buildNodeLayout

      public void buildNodeLayout(ParseClanTree _root, int numNodes, int initialNumNodes, TreeSet[] parentRel)
      Initializing bounding box placement
    • parents

      public CGDTreeSet parents(int n)
      Parents of all the nodes leading to n
    • children

      public CGDTreeSet children(int n)
      Children of all the nodes n leads to
    • dummysToEdgePaths

      public void dummysToEdgePaths()
    • getMaxNIndex

      public int getMaxNIndex()
    • setMaxNIndex

      public void setMaxNIndex(int i)
    • getMaxEIndex

      public int getMaxEIndex()
    • setMaxEIndex

      public void setMaxEIndex(int i)
    • getNumOfNodes

      public int getNumOfNodes()