Package repast.simphony.ui.probe
package repast.simphony.ui.probe
ClassDescriptionProbedProperty for boolean properties.Represents a property of a probed object whether is read / read only etc.Describes a property whose source is field.Probe of an objects location in a grid.Provides the location of a probed object in projections that store objects with a location, eg xyz for grid, or lat/lon for geography.Property descriptor for properties that are accessed via methods.ProbedProperty for numeric types.Abstract base class for probeable beans.Interface for classes that can create custom ProbedPropertyUICreator-s.Encapsulates the gui representation and the model of a gui probe.SFinds the probed properties for an object instance.Marks an accessor type method as a Property that should show up when an instance of the class containing it is probed.Creates ProbedProperties for use in the ProbableBeanCreator.Interface for classes that can create the UI for a Probed property.Loads any custom probe extensions into the ProbeManager.Annotation that marks a particular method as producing a "probe id".Bundles together the PropertyDescriptors used to get and set the probed properties for a particular class.Introspect objects and creates ProbeInfo out of them.Manages the creation, destruction and updating of probes.Wraps the probed object in a jgoodies binding PresentationModel.Creates a panel showing the properties of a probed object.Creates a panel showing the properties of a probed object.PropertyAcessProvider implementation that does not rely on bean type propertyes for getting and setting.Converts an Amount to and from a String representation.Probe of an objects location in a continuous space.Format subclass that uses a StringConverter to perform the formatting.Utilities class.ProbeableBean for an objects location in a value layer.Probe object for value layers