Package repast.simphony.ui.probe
Annotation Interface ProbedProperty
Marks an accessor type method as a Property that should show up when an
instance of the class containing it is probed.
- Version:
- $Revision$ $Date$
- Author:
- Nick Collier
Optional Element Summary
Optional ElementsModifier and TypeOptional ElementDescriptionGets the fully qualififed name of class used to convert the return value of the annotated method to and from a String representation.The proper natural language name for this property.Gets java bean style property name for this property.
Element Details
String displayNameThe proper natural language name for this property. For example, "Simple Agent Count" rather than something like "simpleAgentCount."- Returns:
- proper natural language name for this property.
- Default:
- ""
String usageNameGets java bean style property name for this property. For example, if this annotates a "getFoo" method, then the property name is "foo."- Returns:
- java bean style property name for this property.
- Default:
- ""
String converterGets the fully qualififed name of class used to convert the return value of the annotated method to and from a String representation. The class must implement repast.simphony.parameter.StringConvertor. This is only necessary if the return type is not a String, a primitive value, or one of the Object representatons of a primitive (e.g. an Integer, or Boolean).- Returns:
- Gets the convertor used to convert the return value of the annotated method to and from a String representation.
- Default:
- ""