Class ListSelector<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class ListSelector<T> extends JPanel
GUI widget that allows the user to select items from a list into a new list. Layout is two lists with buttons in between for moving items back and forth between the lists.
Nick Collier
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ListSelector

      public ListSelector()
    • ListSelector

      public ListSelector(List<T> sourceList, List<T> targetList, boolean orderButtons)
      Creates list selector from the specified lists.
      sourceList - contains the items to put in the source left-hand side list
      targetList - contains the items to put in the target right-hand side list.
      orderButtons - boolean for using order buttons in the target list.
    • ListSelector

      public ListSelector(String title, List<T> sourceList, List<T> targetList, boolean orderButtons)
      Creates list selector from the specified lists.
      title - a title to display above the lists
      sourceList - contains the items to put in the source left-hand side list
      targetList - contains the items to put in the target right-hand side list.
      orderButtons - boolean for using order buttons in the target list.
  • Method Details

    • setLists

      public void setLists(List<T> sourceList, List<T> targetList)
    • getTargetListModel

      public DefaultListModel getTargetListModel()
    • getSourceListModel

      public DefaultListModel getSourceListModel()
    • addActionListeners

      public void addActionListeners(ActionListener listener)
    • getSelectedItems

      public List<T> getSelectedItems()
      Gets the list of items the user has selected. These items will be whatever is in the right hand target list when this method is called.
      the list of items the user has selected.
    • getPanel

      public JPanel getPanel()
      Gets the panel containing the widget.
      the panel containing the widget.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)