Class RSApplication

All Implemented Interfaces:
TickListener, RunListener

public class RSApplication extends Object implements TickListener, RunListener
Main application mediator type object for Repast Simphony runtime.
Nick Collier
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getProbeManager

      public ProbeManager getProbeManager()
    • isGui

      public static boolean isGui()
    • getRSApplicationInstance

      public static RSApplication getRSApplicationInstance()
    • addCustomUserPanel

      public void addCustomUserPanel(JPanel panel)
    • hasCustomUserPanelDefined

      public boolean hasCustomUserPanelDefined()
    • removeCustomUserPanel

      public void removeCustomUserPanel()
    • initSim

      public void initSim()
      Initializes a simulation run. This initializes both the run mechanism and the gui.
    • isStartSim

      public boolean isStartSim()
      Checks to see the state of startSim. Should be called from Event Dispatch Thread.
    • start

      public void start()
      Starts a simulation run. Initializes the run if necessary.
    • step

      public void step()
      Steps a simulation run forward a single step.
    • pause

      public void pause()
      Pauses the simulation run.
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Stops the simulation run.
    • resetLayout

      public void resetLayout()
      Resets the layout to the initial layout.
    • saveLayout

      public void saveLayout()
      Saves the current layout to a user selected file.
    • saveAsDefaultLayout

      public void saveAsDefaultLayout()
      Saves the current view layout as the default layout for the current scenario.
    • loadLayout

      public void loadLayout()
      Loads and resets the current layout from a user selected file.
    • createNewScenario

      public void createNewScenario()
      Creates a new scenario through the new scenario wizard.
    • open

      public void open()
      Opens a scenario via a directory chooser dialog.
    • updateGuiParamsManager

      public GUIParametersManager updateGuiParamsManager(Parameters params, ParametersUI pui)
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Resets the gui and runtime infrastructure for another simulation run.
    • saveAs

      public void saveAs()
      Saves the current scenario into a user specified scenario directory. The directory itself is selected via directory chooser widget.
    • saveCurrentParameters

      public File saveCurrentParameters()
      Saves the current parameters to a parameters.xml file in the current scenario directory.
    • save

      public void save()
      Saves the current scenario. If the current scenario has not been saved, this is the equivalent of save as.
    • close

      public boolean close()
      Closes the runtime application.
    • storeSettings

      protected void storeSettings()
    • createLayout

      public void createLayout(saf.core.ui.dock.DockingManager manager)
      Creates the gui layout.
      manager -
    • tickCountUpdated

      public void tickCountUpdated(double newTick)
      Called when the schedule increments the tick count.
      Specified by:
      tickCountUpdated in interface TickListener
      newTick - the new tick value.
    • getController

      public Controller getController()
      Returns the current controller.
      the current controller.
    • getGui

      public RSGui getGui()
      Returns the application gui
      the application gui
    • getSettingsRegistry

      public simphony.settings.SettingsRegistry getSettingsRegistry()
      Gets the settings registry.
      the settings registry.
    • getCurrentScenario

      public Scenario getCurrentScenario()
    • paused

      public void paused()
      Invoked when the current run has been paused.
      Specified by:
      paused in interface RunListener
    • restarted

      public void restarted()
      Invoked when the current run has been restarted after a pause.
      Specified by:
      restarted in interface RunListener
    • started

      public void started()
      Invoked when the current run has been started.
      Specified by:
      started in interface RunListener
    • stopped

      public void stopped()
      Invoked when the current run has been stopped.
      Specified by:
      stopped in interface RunListener
    • getErrorLog

      public ErrorLog getErrorLog()
      Gets the error log.