Interface Traverser<E>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ContextTraverser, DOMTraverser, IterableTraverser, NaryTreeTraverser, NetworkTraverser

public interface Traverser<E>
Interface used by the graph scheduling utilities to traverse the nodes in a graph. This interface provides the nodes that will be ran, and the distance between nodes (for determining the order of execution).
$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/12/21 22:25:34 $
Jerry Vos
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getDistance(E fromNode, E toNode)
    Retrieves the distance between the current and previous node in the GraphParams object.
    getSuccessors(E previousNode, E currentNode)
    Retrieves the next set of nodes in the graph based on the given GraphParams.
  • Method Details

    • getSuccessors

      Iterator<E> getSuccessors(E previousNode, E currentNode)
      Retrieves the next set of nodes in the graph based on the given GraphParams. In a tree this would be the child nodes of the current node.
      params - a parameter object that contains information on the previous and current graph traversal
      An iterator that will return the next nodes to visit in the graph traversal.
      See Also:
    • getDistance

      double getDistance(E fromNode, E toNode)
      Retrieves the distance between the current and previous node in the GraphParams object. This generally will be used to determine what time to schedule the current node at.
      params - the object containing the previous and current node
      the distance between the nodes