public abstract class AbstractPatch
Modifiers | Name | Description |
double |
pcolor |
double |
plabelColor |
Type | Name and description |
Observer |
myObserver |
PatchFactory |
myPatchFactory |
double |
pcolor |
Object |
plabel |
double |
plabelColor |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
AgentSet<Link> |
allLinks() {@inheritDoc} |
boolean |
allQ(Collection a, Closure closure) Queries if all agents in a collection are true for a boolean closure. |
void |
ask(AgentSet<? extends ReLogoAgent> a, Closure askBlock) Executes a set of commands for an agentset in random order. |
void |
ask(Collection<? extends ReLogoAgent> c, Closure askBlock) Executes a set of commands for a collection of agents. |
void |
ask(Turtle t, Closure askBlock) Executes a set of commands for a turtle. |
void |
ask(Patch p, Closure askBlock) Executes a set of commands for a patch. |
void |
ask(Link l, Closure askBlock) Executes a set of commands for a link. |
void |
askCollection(Collection<? extends ReLogoAgent> c, Closure cl) |
void |
askPatch(Closure cl) @exclude |
int |
compareTo(Patch p) |
double |
distance(Turtle t) Returns the distance from the caller to a turtle. |
double |
distance(Patch p) Returns the distance from the caller to a patch. |
double |
distancexy(Number nx, Number ny) Returns the distance from the caller to a point. |
void |
fileShow(Object value) Prints value with agent identifier to current file with a newline. |
GridPoint |
getGridLocation() |
NdPoint |
getGridLocationAsNdPoint() |
int |
getMaxPxcor() Returns the maximum x coordinate for all patches. |
int |
getMaxPycor() Returns the maximum y coordinate for all patches. |
int |
getMinPxcor() Returns the minimum x coordinate for all patches. |
int |
getMinPycor() Returns the minimum y coordinate for all patches. |
Observer |
getMyObserver() |
PatchFactory |
getMyPatchFactory() |
double |
getPcolor() Returns the color of a patch. |
Object |
getPlabel() Returns the patch label. |
double |
getPlabelColor() Returns the patch label color. |
int |
getPxcor() Returns the x coordinate of patch. |
int |
getPycor() Returns the y coordinate of patch. |
List |
getRowCol() |
int[] |
getXY() |
AgentSet |
inRadius(Collection a, Number num) Returns an agentset within a distance of the caller. |
Link |
link(Number oneEnd, Number otherEnd) Returns the link between two turtles. |
Link |
link(Turtle oneEnd, Turtle otherEnd) Returns the link between two turtles. |
AgentSet<Link> |
links() {@inheritDoc} |
AgentSet |
maxNOf(int number, Collection<? extends ReLogoAgent> a, Closure closure) Returns an agentset consisting of a specified number of agents which have the greatest value when operated on by a set of commands. |
ReLogoAgent |
maxOneOf(Collection<? extends ReLogoAgent> a, Closure closure) Returns the ReLogoAgent with the largest value when operated on by a set of commands. |
AgentSet |
minNOf(int number, Collection<? extends ReLogoAgent> a, Closure closure) Returns an agentset consisting of a specified number of agents which have the lowest value when operated on by a set of commands. |
ReLogoAgent |
minOneOf(Collection<? extends ReLogoAgent> a, Closure closure) Returns the ReLogoAgent with the smallest value when operated on by a set of commands. |
Object |
myself() The agent that initiated the asking. |
AgentSet<Patch> |
neighbors() Returns the agentset of the eight neighboring patches (Moore neighborhood). |
AgentSet<Patch> |
neighbors(int extent) {@inheritDoc} |
AgentSet<Patch> |
neighbors(int extentX, int extentY) {@inheritDoc} |
AgentSet<Patch> |
neighbors4() Returns the agentset of the four neighboring patches (von Neumann neighborhood). |
AgentSet<Patch> |
neighbors4(int extent) {@inheritDoc} |
AgentSet<Patch> |
neighbors4(int extentX, int extentY) {@inheritDoc} |
Stop |
oldStop() Stops a patch executing within a command closure. |
AgentSet |
other(Collection a) Returns an agentset minus the caller. |
Patch |
patch(Number nX, Number nY) Returns the patch containing a point. |
Patch |
patchAt(Number ndx, Number ndy) Returns the patch at a direction (ndx, ndy) from the caller. |
Patch |
patchAtHeadingAndDistance(Number heading, Number distance) Returns the patch that is at a direction and distance from the caller. |
AgentSet<Patch> |
patches() Returns an agentset containing all patches. |
int |
randomPxcor() Returns a random x coordinate for patches. |
int |
randomPycor() Returns a random y coordinate for patches. |
double |
randomXcor() Returns a random x coordinate for turtles. |
double |
randomYcor() Returns a random y coordinate for turtles. |
void |
run(String string) Interprets a string as commands then runs the commands. |
Object |
runresult(String string) Interprets a string as a command then returns the result. |
Patch |
self() Returns this turtle, patch, or link. |
void |
setMyObserver(Observer myObserver) |
void |
setMyPatchFactory(PatchFactory myPatchFactory) |
void |
setMyself(Object o) Sets the agent that initiated the asking to the value o. |
void |
setPcolor(double pcolor) Sets the color of a patch to pcolor. |
void |
setPlabel(Object plabel) Sets the patch label. |
void |
setPlabelColor(Number plabelColor) Sets the patch label color. |
void |
setToDefault() {@inheritDoc} |
void |
show(Object value) Prints value with agent identifier to the console. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
sprout(Number number) Makes a number of random new turtles. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
sprout(Number number, Closure closure) Makes a number of random new turtles then executes a set of commands on the created turtles. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
sprout(Number number, Closure closure, String turtleType) Makes a number of random new turtles of a specific type then executes a set of commands on the created turtles. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
sprout(Number number, Closure closure, Class turtleType) Makes a number of random new turtles of a specific type then executes a set of commands on the created turtles. |
String |
toString() This method provides a human-readable name for the agent. |
Turtle |
turtle(Number number) Returns the turtle of the given number. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
turtles() Returns an agentset containing all turtles. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
turtlesAt(Number ndx, Number ndy) Returns the agentset on the patch at the direction (ndx, ndy) from the caller. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
turtlesHere() Returns an agentset of turtles from the patch of the caller. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
turtlesOn(Patch p) Returns an agentset of turtles on a given patch. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
turtlesOn(Turtle t) Returns an agentset of turtles on the same patch as a turtle. |
AgentSet<Turtle> |
turtlesOn(Collection a) Returns an agentset of turtles on the patches in a collection or on the patches that a collection of turtles are. |
void |
watchMe() Does nothing, included for translation compatibility. |
int |
worldHeight() Returns the height of the world. |
int |
worldWidth() Returns the width of the world. |
Queries if all agents in a collection are true for a boolean closure.
- a collection of ReLogoAgentsclosure
- a boolean closureExecutes a set of commands for an agentset in random order.
- an agentsetaskBlock
- a set of commandsExecutes a set of commands for a collection of agents.
- a collection of agentsaskBlock
- a set of commandsExecutes a set of commands for a turtle.
- a turtleaskBlock
- a set of commandsExecutes a set of commands for a patch.
- a patchaskBlock
- a set of commandsExecutes a set of commands for a link.
- a linkaskBlock
- a set of commandsReturns the distance from the caller to a turtle.
- a turtleReturns the distance from the caller to a patch.
- a patchReturns the distance from the caller to a point.
- a numberny
- a numberPrints value with agent identifier to current file with a newline.
- any objectReturns the maximum x coordinate for all patches.
Returns the maximum y coordinate for all patches.
Returns the minimum x coordinate for all patches.
Returns the minimum y coordinate for all patches.
Returns the color of a patch.
Returns the patch label.
Returns the patch label color.
Returns the x coordinate of patch.
Returns the y coordinate of patch.
Returns an agentset within a distance of the caller.
- a collection of agentsnum
- a distanceReturns the link between two turtles.
- an integerotherEnd
- an integerReturns the link between two turtles.
- a turtleotherEnd
- a turtleReturns an agentset consisting of a specified number of agents which have the greatest value when operated on by a set of commands.
- an integera
- a collectionclosure
- a set of commandsReturns the ReLogoAgent with the largest value when operated on by a set of commands.
- a collectionclosure
- a set of commandsReturns an agentset consisting of a specified number of agents which have the lowest value when operated on by a set of commands.
- an integera
- a collectionclosure
- a set of commandsReturns the ReLogoAgent with the smallest value when operated on by a set of commands.
- a collectionclosure
- a set of commandsThe agent that initiated the asking.
Returns the agentset of the eight neighboring patches (Moore neighborhood).
Returns the agentset of the four neighboring patches (von Neumann neighborhood).
Stops a patch executing within a command closure.
Returns an agentset minus the caller.
- an agentsetReturns the patch containing a point.
- x coordinatenY
- y coordinateReturns the patch at a direction (ndx, ndy) from the caller.
- a numberndy
- a numberReturns the patch that is at a direction and distance from the caller.
- a numberdistance
- a numberReturns an agentset containing all patches.
Returns a random x coordinate for patches.
Returns a random y coordinate for patches.
Returns a random x coordinate for turtles.
Returns a random y coordinate for turtles.
Interprets a string as commands then runs the commands.
- a stringInterprets a string as a command then returns the result.
- a stringReturns this turtle, patch, or link.
Sets the agent that initiated the asking to the value o.
- an objectSets the color of a patch to pcolor.
- a number in range [0,140)Sets the patch label.
- a labelSets the patch label color.
- a numerical color{@inheritDoc}
Prints value with agent identifier to the console.
- any objectMakes a number of random new turtles.
- a numberMakes a number of random new turtles then executes a set of commands on the created turtles.
- a numberclosure
- a set of commandsMakes a number of random new turtles of a specific type then executes a set of commands on the created turtles.
- a numberclosure
- a set of commandsturtleType
- a turtle typeMakes a number of random new turtles of a specific type then executes a set of commands on the created turtles.
- a numberclosure
- a set of commandsturtleType
- a turtle classThis method provides a human-readable name for the agent.
Returns the turtle of the given number.
- a numberReturns an agentset containing all turtles.
Returns the agentset on the patch at the direction (ndx, ndy) from the caller.
- a numberndy
- a numberReturns an agentset of turtles from the patch of the caller.
Returns an agentset of turtles on a given patch.
- a patchReturns an agentset of turtles on the same patch as a turtle.
- a turtleReturns an agentset of turtles on the patches in a collection or on the patches that a collection of turtles are.
- a collectionDoes nothing, included for translation compatibility.
Returns the height of the world.
Returns the width of the world.