Interface Query<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGeometryQuery, AbstractGridQuery, AbstractNetworkQuery, AbstractPropertyQuery, AndQuery, ContainsQuery, ContinuousWithin, GeographyWithin, GridWithin, InstanceOfQuery, IntersectsQuery, MooreQuery, NetPathWithin, NetworkAdjacent, NetworkPredecessor, NetworkSuccessor, NotQuery, OrQuery, PropertyEquals, PropertyGreaterThan, PropertyGreaterThanEquals, PropertyLessThan, PropertyLessThanEquals, PropertyNotEquals, TouchesQuery, VNQuery, WithinDistance, WithinQuery

public interface Query<T>
Interface for classes that query a collection such as a projection or context and returns an iterable over the objects that are the result of that query.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the result of the query.
    Returns an iterable over the objects that are the result of the query and are in the passed in iterable.
  • Method Details

    • query

      Iterable<T> query()
      Returns the result of the query.
      an iterable over the objects that are the result of the query.
    • query

      Iterable<T> query(Iterable<T> set)
      Returns an iterable over the objects that are the result of the query and are in the passed in iterable. This allows queries to be chained together where the result of one query is passed into another.
      set -
      an iterable over the objects that are the result of the query and are in the passed in iterable.