Class RepastEssentials


public class RepastEssentials extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RepastEssentials

      public RepastEssentials()
  • Method Details

    • FindAgentsInContext

      public static List FindAgentsInContext(String contextPath, String sqlQuery)
    • FindAgentsInContext

      public static List FindAgentsInContext(String contextPath, String sqlQuery, Object functionHandler)
    • FindAgentsInNetwork

      public static List FindAgentsInNetwork(String contextPath, String sqlQuery)
    • FindAgentsInNetwork

      public static List FindAgentsInNetwork(String networkPath, String sqlQuery, Object functionHandler)
    • FindContext

      public static Context FindContext(String contextPath)
    • GetObjects

      public static IndexedIterable GetObjects(String contextPath, String className)
    • GetRandomObjects

      public static Iterable GetRandomObjects(String contextPath, String className, long num)
    • FindParentContext

      public static Context FindParentContext(String contextPath)
    • FindValueLayer

      public static ValueLayer FindValueLayer(String valueLayerPath)
      Finds the ValueLayer that matches the specified path. The first part of the path is the context heirarchy and the last element is the value layer name.
      valueLayerPath - the path to the value layer
      the found value layer.
    • AddValueLayer

      public static void AddValueLayer(String contextPath, ValueLayer layer)
      Adds the specified value layer to the context on the specified path.
      contextPath - the path to the context
      layer - the value layer to add
    • CreateGridValueLayer

      public static GridValueLayer CreateGridValueLayer(String contextPath, String name, BigDecimal... dimensions)
    • CreateGridValueLayer

      public static GridValueLayer CreateGridValueLayer(String contextPath, String name, int... dimensions)
      Creates a GridValueLayer and adds it to the specified context.
      contextPath -
      name -
      dimensions -
      the created GridValueLayer.
    • CreateContinuousValueLayer

      public static ContinuousValueLayer CreateContinuousValueLayer(String contextPath, String name, BigDecimal... dimensions)
    • CreateContinuousValueLayer

      public static ContinuousValueLayer CreateContinuousValueLayer(String contextPath, String name, double... dimensions)
      Creates a ContinousValueLayer and adds it to the specified context.
      contextPath -
      name -
      dimensions -
      the created ContinuousValueLayer.
    • FindProjection

      public static Projection FindProjection(String projectionPath)
    • FindNetwork

      public static Network FindNetwork(String networkPath)
      Finds the Network projection from the given path.
      networkPath - the path of the Network
      the Network
    • FindGrid

      public static Grid FindGrid(String gridPath)
      Finds the Grid projection from the given path.
      gridPath - the path of the Grid
      the Grid
    • FindContinuousSpace

      public static ContinuousSpace FindContinuousSpace(String spacePath)
      Finds the Continuous Space projection from the given path.
      spacePath - the path of the Space
      the Continuous Space
    • CreateContext

      public static Context CreateContext(String parentContextPath, String newContextName)
    • RemoveContext

      public static Context RemoveContext(String contextPath)
    • CreateRandomDensityNetwork

      public static Network CreateRandomDensityNetwork(String parentContextPath, String networkName, boolean directed, double density, boolean allowSelfLoops, boolean symmetric)
    • Create1DLatticeNetwork

      public static Network Create1DLatticeNetwork(String parentContextPath, String networkName, boolean directed, boolean toroidal, boolean symmetrical)
    • Create2DLatticeNetwork

      public static Network Create2DLatticeNetwork(String parentContextPath, String networkName, boolean directed, boolean toroidal)
    • CreateWattsBetaSmallWorldNetwork

      public static Network CreateWattsBetaSmallWorldNetwork(String parentContextPath, String networkName, boolean directed, double beta, BigDecimal nghSize, boolean symmetrical)
    • CreateWattsBetaSmallWorldNetwork

      public static Network CreateWattsBetaSmallWorldNetwork(String parentContextPath, String networkName, boolean directed, double beta, int nghSize, boolean symmetrical)
    • CreateNetwork

      public static Network CreateNetwork(String parentContextPath, String netName, boolean isDirected, String agentClassName, String fileName, NetworkFileFormat format)
    • CreateNetwork

      public static Network CreateNetwork(String parentContextPath, String networkName, boolean directed, NetworkGenerator gen)
    • CreateNetwork

      public static Network CreateNetwork(String parentContextPath, String netName, boolean isDirected)
    • CreateGrid

      public static Grid CreateGrid(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String borders, BigDecimal... dimensions)
    • CreateGrid

      public static Grid CreateGrid(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String borders, int... dimensions)
    • CreateContinuousSpace

      public static ContinuousSpace CreateContinuousSpace(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String borders, BigDecimal... dimensions)
    • CreateContinuousSpace

      public static ContinuousSpace CreateContinuousSpace(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String borders, int... dimensions)
    • CreateProjection

      public static Projection CreateProjection(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String newProjectionType)
    • CreateProjection

      public static Projection CreateProjection(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String newProjectionType, boolean optionalProjectionKind)
    • CreateProjection

      public static Projection CreateProjection(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String newProjectionType, BigDecimal... optionalDimensions)
    • CreateProjection

      public static Projection CreateProjection(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String newProjectionType, int... optionalDimensions)
    • CreateProjection

      public static Projection CreateProjection(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String newProjectionType, String optionalBorders, BigDecimal... optionalDimensions)
    • CreateProjection

      public static Projection CreateProjection(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String newProjectionType, String optionalBorders, int... optionalDimensions)
    • CreateProjection

      public static Projection CreateProjection(String parentContextPath, String newProjectionName, String newProjectionType, boolean optionalProjectionKind, String optionalBorders, int... optionalDimensions)
      parentContextPath -
      newProjectionName -
      newProjectionType -
      optionalProjectionKind - if net then specified isDirected, if grid then specified is mult. occupancy
      optionalBorders -
      optionalDimensions -
    • RemoveProjection

      public static Projection RemoveProjection(String path)
    • CreateAgent

      public static Object CreateAgent(String parentContextPath, String newAgentType)
    • CreateAgents

      public static Object CreateAgents(String parentContextPath, String newAgentType, int agentCount)
    • CreateEdge

      public static RepastEdge<?> CreateEdge(String networkProjectionPath, Object agentSource, Object agentTarget)
    • CreateEdge

      public static RepastEdge<?> CreateEdge(String networkProjectionPath, Object agentSource, Object agentTarget, double optionalWeight)
    • FindEdge

      public static RepastEdge FindEdge(String networkProjectionPath, Object agentSource, Object agentTarget)
    • GetEdgeWeight

      public static double GetEdgeWeight(String networkProjectionPath, Object agentSource, Object agentTarget)
    • SetEdgeWeight

      public static RepastEdge SetEdgeWeight(String networkProjectionPath, Object agentSource, Object agentTarget, double newWeight)
    • RemoveEdge

      public static RepastEdge RemoveEdge(String networkProjectionPath, Object agentSource, Object agentTarget)
    • GetPredecessors

      public static List GetPredecessors(String networkPath, Object agent)
      Gets the predecessors of the specified agent in the specified network.
      networkPath - the path to the network
      agent - the agent whose predecessors we want
      the predecessors of the specified agent in the specified network.
    • GetSuccessors

      public static List GetSuccessors(String networkPath, Object agent)
      Gets the successors of the specified agent in the specified network.
      networkPath - the path to the network
      agent - the agent whose successors we want
      the successors of the specified agent in the specified network.
    • GetAdjacent

      public static List GetAdjacent(String networkPath, Object agent)
      Gets the agents adjacent to the specified agent in the specified network.
      networkPath - the path to the network
      agent - the agent whose adjacents we want
      the agents adjacent to the specified agent in the specified network.
    • GetInEdges

      public static List<RepastEdge> GetInEdges(String networkPath, Object agent)
      Gets the edges for which the specified agent is the target in the specified network. For a undirected net this is all the edges connected to the agent.
      networkPath - the path to the network
      agent - the agent whose in edges we want
      the edges for which the specified agent is the target in the specified network
    • GetOutEdges

      public static List<RepastEdge> GetOutEdges(String networkPath, Object agent)
      Gets the edges for which the specified agent is the source in the specified network. For a undirected net this is all the edges connected to the agent.
      networkPath - the path to the network
      agent - the agent whose in edges we want
      the edges for which the specified agent is the source in the specified network
    • GetEdges

      public static List<RepastEdge> GetEdges(String networkPath, Object agent)
      Gets the edges connected to the specified agent in the specified network.
      networkPath - the path to the network
      agent - the agent whose in edges we want
      the edges connected to the specified agent in the specified network.
    • AddAgentToContext

      public static Context AddAgentToContext(String parentContextPath, Object agent)
    • RemoveAgentFromContext

      public static Context RemoveAgentFromContext(String parentContextPath, Object agent)
    • RemoveAgentFromModel

      public static Context RemoveAgentFromModel(Object agent)
    • MoveAgent

      public static boolean MoveAgent(String projectionPath, Object agent, Number... newAgentLocation)
    • MoveAgentByDisplacement

      public static void MoveAgentByDisplacement(String projectionPath, Object agent, Number... displacement)
    • MoveAgentByVector

      public static void MoveAgentByVector(String projectionPath, Object agent, Number distance, Number... anglesInRadians)
    • GetTickCount

      public static double GetTickCount()
    • GetTickCountInTimeUnits

      public static javax.measure.Quantity<?> GetTickCountInTimeUnits()
    • ScheduleAction

      public static ISchedulableAction ScheduleAction(Object agent, String methodName, Object... parameters)
    • ScheduleAction

      public static ISchedulableAction ScheduleAction(Object agent, double optionalStartTime, String methodName, Object... parameters)
    • ScheduleAction

      public static ISchedulableAction ScheduleAction(Object agent, double optionalStartTime, double optionalRepeatInterval, String methodName, Object... parameters)
    • CancelAction

      public static IAction CancelAction(ISchedulableAction actionToCancel)
    • EndSimulationRun

      public static void EndSimulationRun()
    • EndSimulationRunAt

      public static void EndSimulationRunAt(double tick)
    • PauseSimulationRun

      public static void PauseSimulationRun()
    • PauseSimulationRunAt

      public static void PauseSimulationRunAt(double tick)
    • DeleteExternalFile

      public static boolean DeleteExternalFile(String fileName)
    • WriteExternalFile

      public static boolean WriteExternalFile(Object source, String xmlDataFileDescriptionFileName, String targetFileName)
    • ReadExternalFile

      public static boolean ReadExternalFile(Object target, String xmlDataFileDescriptionFileName, String sourceFileName)
    • GetParameter

      public static Object GetParameter(String name)
      Gets the named parameter's value.
      name - the name of the parameter
      the named parameter's value
    • RandomDrawAgainstThreshold

      public static boolean RandomDrawAgainstThreshold(BigDecimal threshold)
    • RandomDrawAgainstThreshold

      public static boolean RandomDrawAgainstThreshold(double threshold)
    • RandomDraw

      public static double RandomDraw()
    • RandomDraw

      public static double RandomDraw(double lowerBound, double upperBound)
    • RandomDraw

      public static double RandomDraw(BigDecimal lowerBound, BigDecimal upperBound)
    • ExecuteProgram

      public static int ExecuteProgram(String directory, String commandLine)
    • OrQuery

      public static Query OrQuery(Query query1, Query query2)
    • bigDecimalArrayToIntArray

      public static int[] bigDecimalArrayToIntArray(BigDecimal[] bigDecimalArray)
    • bigDecimalArrayToDoubleArray

      public static double[] bigDecimalArrayToDoubleArray(BigDecimal[] bigDecimalArray)