Package repast.simphony.data2.engine
package repast.simphony.data2.engine
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for descriptors that define text output sink.An AggregateDataSource implementation that delegates to a wrapped AggregateDataSource for all calls except getting the id.ControllerAction responsible for creating DataSets from DataSetDescriptors.Sink for outputting text data to the console.Definition for a CountDataSource.Definition for a custom data source.Creates an action that will initialControllerAction responsible for creating DataSets from DataSetDescriptors.ActionIO class that loads and saves DataSetComponentControllerActions from and to DataSetDescriptors.Descriptor that defines a single DataSet.Creates the parent action for the component actions that initialize data collection from individual dataset descriptors.ControllerAction responsible for creating DataSets from DataSetDescriptors.Descriptor for File type sinks.An NonAggregateDataSource implementation that delegates to a wrapped AggregateDataSource for all calls except getting the id.