Class FormerDefaultContext<T>

    • Method Detail

      • addProjection

        public void addProjection​(Projection<? super T> projection)
        Description copied from interface: Context
        Adds the specified Projection to this Context.
        Specified by:
        addProjection in interface Context<T>
        projection - the projection to add
      • removeProjection

        public Projection<? super T> removeProjection​(String projectionName)
        Removes the named projection from this Context.
        Specified by:
        removeProjection in interface Context<T>
        projectionName - the name projection to remove
        the removed projection.
      • getProjection

        public Projection<?> getProjection​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: Context
        Gets the named projection. This does not search subcontexts.
        Specified by:
        getProjection in interface Context<T>
        name - the name of the projection to get
        the named projection.
      • getProjection

        public <X extends Projection<?>> X getProjection​(Class<X> projection,
                                                         String name)
        Description copied from interface: Context
        Gets the named projection. This does not query subcontexts.
        Specified by:
        getProjection in interface Context<T>
        projection - the type of the projection
        name - the name of the projection to get
        the named projection.
      • getProjections

        public Collection<Projection<?>> getProjections()
        Description copied from interface: Context
        Gets an iterable over all the projections contained by this Context.
        Specified by:
        getProjections in interface Context<T>
        an iterable over all the projections contained by this Context.
      • getProjections

        public <X extends Projection<?>> Iterable<X> getProjections​(Class<X> clazz)
        Description copied from interface: Context
        Gets all the projections in this Context of the specified type. This does not query subcontexts.
        Specified by:
        getProjections in interface Context<T>
        clazz - the type of projections to get
        all the projections in this Context of the specified type.
      • findParent

        public Context findParent​(Object o)
        Retrieves the context of the specified object starting with the specified Context. This will traverse into the specified context's sub contexts until it finds the lowest level context the object is in.
        Specified by:
        findParent in interface Context<T>
        o - an object to find in the contexts
        the context that contains the object
      • findContext

        public Context findContext​(Object id)
        This searches the specified context and its descendants for the context with the specified id. This searches through the contexts in a breadth-first manner, and will return the first context whose getId() method returns the specified id. This includes the start context.
        Specified by:
        findContext in interface Context<T>
        id - the id of the context to search for
        the first context found with the given id, or null if no context is found
      • query

        public Iterable<T> query​(org.apache.commons.collections15.Predicate query)
        Specified by:
        query in interface Context<T>
      • getObjects

        public IndexedIterable<T> getObjects​(Class<?> clazz)
        Gets a IndexedIterable over the all the objects in this context (and thus in the sub contexts) that are of the specified type.
        Specified by:
        getObjects in interface Context<T>
        clazz - the type of objects to return
        a IndexedIterable over the all the objects in this context (and thus in the sub contexts) that are of the specified type.
      • getRandomObjects

        public Iterable<T> getRandomObjects​(Class<? extends T> clazz,
                                            long count)
        Gets an iterable over a collection of objects chosen at random. The number of objects is determined by the specified count and the type of objects by the specified class. If the context contains less objects than the specified count, all the appropriate objects in the context will be returned.

        If this is repeatedly called with a count equal to the number of objects in the context, the iteration order will be shuffled each time.

        Specified by:
        getRandomObjects in interface Context<T>
        clazz - the class of the objects to return
        count - the number of random objects to return
        an iterable over a collection of random objects
      • getRandomObject

        public T getRandomObject()
        Gets an object in this context chosen at random from a uniform distribution.
        Specified by:
        getRandomObject in interface Context<T>
        an object in this context chosen at random from a uniform distribution.
      • getTypeID

        public Object getTypeID()
        Gets an id that indentifies the user-defined type of this context. A context type typically refers to the role the context plays in a particular model. For example, the type of the context may be "School" and the agents in that context would be "Pupils".
        Specified by:
        getTypeID in interface Context<T>
        an id that indentifies the user-defined type of this context.
      • setTypeID

        public void setTypeID​(Object id)
        Sets an id that indentifies the user-defined type of this context. A context type typically refers to the role the context plays in a particular model. For example, the type of the context may be "School" and the agents in that context would be "Pupils".
        Specified by:
        setTypeID in interface Context<T>
        id - the type id
      • toArray

        public <U> U[] toArray​(U[] a)
        Specified by:
        toArray in interface Collection<T>
      • add

        public boolean add​(T o)
        Specified by:
        add in interface Collection<T>
      • addValueLayer

        public void addValueLayer​(ValueLayer valueLayer)
        Adds the specified ValueLayer to this Context.
        Specified by:
        addValueLayer in interface Context<T>
        valueLayer - the ValueLayer to add
      • getValueLayer

        public ValueLayer getValueLayer​(String name)
        Gets the named ValueLayer. This does not search subcontexts.
        Specified by:
        getValueLayer in interface Context<T>
        name - the name of the ValueLayer to get
        the named ValueLayer.
      • getValueLayers

        public Collection<ValueLayer> getValueLayers()
        Gets an iterable over the ValueLayer-s contained by this Context.
        Specified by:
        getValueLayers in interface Context<T>
        an iterable over the ValueLayer-s contained by this Context.
      • removeValueLayer

        public ValueLayer removeValueLayer​(String name)
        Removes the named ValueLayer from this Context.
        Specified by:
        removeValueLayer in interface Context<T>
        name - the name of the ValueLayer to remove.
        the removed ValueLayer or null if the named ValueLayer was not found.
      • hasSubContext

        public boolean hasSubContext()
        Description copied from interface: Context
        Method to check if subcontext(s) are present in the context
        Specified by:
        hasSubContext in interface Context<T>
        true if subcontext(s) are present and false if not
      • getObjectsAsStream

        public Stream<T> getObjectsAsStream​(Class<?> clazz)
        Gets a sequential Stream over the all the objects in this context (and thus in the sub contexts) that are of the specified type.
        Specified by:
        getObjectsAsStream in interface Context<T>
        clazz - the type of objects to return
        a Stream over the all the objects in this context (and thus in the sub contexts) that are of the specified type.
      • getRandomObjectsAsStream

        public Stream<T> getRandomObjectsAsStream​(Class<? extends T> clazz,
                                                  long count)
        Gets a sequential Stream over a collection of objects chosen at random. The number of objects is determined by the specified count and the type of objects by the specified class. If the context contains less objects than the specified count, all the appropriate objects in the context will be returned.

        If this is repeatedly called with a count equal to the number of objects in the context, the iteration order will be shuffled each time.

        Specified by:
        getRandomObjectsAsStream in interface Context<T>
        clazz - the class of the objects to return
        count - the number of random objects to return
        a sequential Stream over a collection of random objects