Package repast.simphony.batch.ssh
package repast.simphony.batch.ssh
ClassDescriptionFinds the base output name from file_sink xml files in a scenario directory.Takes an ssh run configuration object and reads the batch parameter xml out of the archive, generating in each parameter combination in a line format.Exception thrown by the BatchParameterChunker.Configuration data loaded from a config file for configuring batch run execution.Console based user info.Creates the patterns for a default output file sink file name.Polls a directory on a local machine for a "DONE" file in a specified directory.Finds the output in the local instance directories.Copies copies any failure and warn status messages from a remote to a specified directory.A collection of files that match some specified file pattern.Exception thrown by the BatchParameterChunker.Aggregates the separate instance batch param map and output files.Base class for classes that find simphony model output.Encapsulates the configuration data for an output pattern.Parses output patterns from a configuration file to a list of OutputPatterns.Polls a remote machine via SSH looking for a "DONE" file in a specified directory.Copies the output from remote ssh runs into a local directory.Encapsulates info about a Remote ssh reachable host that simphony models can be run on.Copies copies any failure and warn status messages from a remote to a specified directory.Reads the run status from a remote and sets that on the Remote.Builds Session objects.Exception used to wrap errors that occur during Session execution.Parses a Sessions properties file into individual Session instances.Distributes parameters to remote ssh'able hosts and locally.Factory for creating SSHSession objects.Exception thrown by the RemoteStatus code.