Class OutputFinder

Direct Known Subclasses:
LocalOutputFinder, RemoteOutputFinderCopier

public abstract class OutputFinder extends Object
Base class for classes that find simphony model output. This works with String rather than files because the remote ssh files are gathered as lists of strings.
Nick Collier
  • Field Details

    • logger

      protected static org.apache.log4j.Logger logger
  • Constructor Details

    • OutputFinder

      public OutputFinder()
  • Method Details

    • addPattern

      public void addPattern(OutputPattern pattern)
      Adds the specified pattern to the list of patterns used to find output.
      outputFileName - the name into which all the output the matches the specified pattern is aggregated.
      pattern - the pattern to match
    • addPatterns

      public void addPatterns(Collection<OutputPattern> patterns)
      Adds all the OutputPatterns in the collection as patterns to find.
      patterns - the patterns to add
    • createMatches

      protected List<MatchedFiles> createMatches(boolean useWindowsSeparators)
    • findFiles

      protected void findFiles(List<MatchedFiles> matchers, List<String> allFiles, String instanceDir)
      Looks through the list of String filenames for the one that ends with the param map suffix. Then finds the output that matches that and adds both those files to the instance parameter.
      allFiles -
      instance -