
Support for Repast can be found at the Repast Interest mailing list and the accumulated list archives. To post a technical question about any edition of Repast to all of the list members, please send an email message to (Due to spam, the repast-interest list now limits postings to subscribed users. Information on subscribing can be found here.) While questions are welcome and usually answered quickly, please check the Repast FAQ or the list archives before sending a message as your question may already have been answered.

For those interested in regularly hearing about Repast and learning from other's technical questions, please consider subscribing to the Repast Interest mailing list.

Stack Overflow is another excellent place to ask questions. Please use the repast-simphony tag or the repast-hpc tag to ensure that we are notified of your question.

Jonathan Ozik is the Repast project lead. Please contact him through the Argonne Staff Directory if you have project-related questions.

We thank you for using Repast!