repast4py.random module

Random numbers for repast4py. When this module is imported, repast4py.random.default_rng is created using the current epoch time as the random seed, and repast4py.random.seed is set to that value. The default random number generator is a numpy.random.Generator. See that API documentation for more information on the available distributions and sampling functions.

repast4py.random.default_rng: Generator = Generator(PCG64) at 0xFFFF8E9475A0

repast4py’s default random generator created using init. See the Generator API documentation for more information on the available distributions and sampling functions.




Initializes the default random number generator using the specified seed.


rng_seed (Optional[int]) – the random number seed. Defaults to None in which case, the current time as returned by time.time() is used as the seed.

repast4py.random.seed: int = 1676491545

The current random seed used by repast4py.random.default_rng