Package repast.simphony.visualization.visualization3D.layout
package repast.simphony.visualization.visualization3D.layout
ClassDescriptionFR3DLayout<T>Modified from the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm for node layouts from JUNG- FRLayout for 2D...but modified to do 3DInterface for coordinate-based selection of graph components.Abstract class to construct various types of JUNG graph layoutsReturns the vertex or edge that is closest to the specified location.An interface for classes that return a location for an
.Distributes objects uniformly at random within a 20 x 20 x 20 bounding box.z between -R and R, phi between 0 and 2 pi, each with a uniform distribution To find the latitude (theta) of this point, note that z=Rsin(theta), so theta=sin-1(z/R); its longitude is (surprise!) phi.