Class EditedMarkStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:
MarkStyle, StyleGIS

public class EditedMarkStyle extends Object implements MarkStyle
  • Field Details

    • texture

      protected gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicWWTexture texture
  • Constructor Details

    • EditedMarkStyle

      public EditedMarkStyle(String userStyleFile)
  • Method Details

    • getTexture

      public gov.nasa.worldwind.render.WWTexture getTexture(Object object, gov.nasa.worldwind.render.WWTexture texture)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      Get the WWTexture that will be applied to the PlaceMark.
      Specified by:
      getTexture in interface MarkStyle
    • getPlaceMark

      public PlaceMark getPlaceMark(Object object, PlaceMark mark)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      The PlaceMark is a WWJ PointPlacemark implementation with a different texture handling mechanism. All other standard WWJ PointPlacemark attributes can be changed here. PointPlacemark label attributes could be set here, but are also available through the MarkStyle interface.
      Specified by:
      getPlaceMark in interface MarkStyle
      See Also:
      • for more info.
    • getIconOffset

      public gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset getIconOffset(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      Return an Offset that determines the icon position relative to the mark position. @see gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset The gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset is used to position the icon from the mark point location. If no offset is provided, the lower left corner of the icon is located at the point (lat lon) position. Using values of (0.5,0.5) will position the icon center over the lat lon location. The first two arguments in the Offset constructor are the x and y offset values. The third and fourth arguments are the x and y units for the offset. AVKey.FRACTION represents units of the image texture size, with 1.0 being one image width/height. AVKey.PIXELS can be used to specify the offset in pixels.
      Specified by:
      getIconOffset in interface MarkStyle
    • getElevation

      public double getElevation(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      Get the mark elevation in meters. The elevation is used to visually offset the mark from the surface and is not an inherent property of the agent's location in the geography.
      Specified by:
      getElevation in interface MarkStyle
    • getScale

      public double getScale(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      Scale factor for the mark size.
      Specified by:
      getScale in interface MarkStyle
    • getHeading

      public double getHeading(Object obj)
      Specified by:
      getHeading in interface MarkStyle
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      The agent on-screen label. Return null instead of empty string "" for better performance.
      Specified by:
      getLabel in interface MarkStyle
    • getLabelColor

      public Color getLabelColor(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      The mark label color.
      Specified by:
      getLabelColor in interface MarkStyle
    • getLabelFont

      public Font getLabelFont(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      The mark label font.
      Specified by:
      getLabelFont in interface MarkStyle
    • getLabelOffset

      public gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset getLabelOffset(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      Return an Offset that determines the label position relative to the mark position. @see gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset The gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset is used to position the label from the mark point location. The first two arguments in the Offset constructor are the x and y offset values. The third and fourth arguments are the x and y units for the offset. AVKey.FRACTION represents units of the image texture size, with 1.0 being one image width/height. AVKey.PIXELS can be used to specify the offset in pixels.
      Specified by:
      getLabelOffset in interface MarkStyle
    • getLineWidth

      public double getLineWidth(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      Width of the line that connects an elevated mark with the surface. Use a value of 0 to disable line drawing.
      Specified by:
      getLineWidth in interface MarkStyle
    • getLineMaterial

      public gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Material getLineMaterial(Object obj, gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Material lineMaterial)
      Description copied from interface: MarkStyle
      The material (color) of the line.
      Specified by:
      getLineMaterial in interface MarkStyle
    • createShapeImage

      public static BufferedImage createShapeImage(Shape shape, Dimension size, Color color)