Package repast.simphony.util.collections

package repast.simphony.util.collections
  • Class
    Utilities for working with collections of many types.
    An IndexedIterable that adapts multiple IndexedItebles to behave as a single IndexedIterable.
    Predicate that returns true if the specified object is contained by a Set.
    An iterable that retrieves the iterator when needed based on a method call.
    An iterator that delgates its iterator ops to another iterator.
    An iterator that decorates another iterator with filtering capabilities based on a specified rule.
    An iterable that also provides indexed access to the underlying collection.
    Adapts an iterator into an iterable.
    Abstract base class for creating an Iterator that wraps object that returns multiple iterables.
    Adapts a List to the IndexedIterable interface.
    A rooted tree where each node can have n number of children.
    Open addressed map from long to double.
    A simple pair class that represents a tuple with two elements.
    An iterable that iterates over a collection of objects at random.
    A simple wrapper class that will hold an object and for its SimpleWrapper.toString() will return a given description.
    Interface for class that want to implement Tree collection behavior.
    Interface for a functor type object that is executed against nodes in a Tree.
    An iterator that delegates its iterator operations to another iterator, but disallows removal.