Class StateChartSVGDisplayController

All Implemented Interfaces:
RunListener, StateChartListener

public class StateChartSVGDisplayController extends Object implements StateChartListener, RunListener
  • Constructor Details

    • StateChartSVGDisplayController

      public StateChartSVGDisplayController(Object agent, StateChart<?> stateChart)
  • Method Details

    • locateSVGResource

      protected URI locateSVGResource()
    • createAndShowDisplay

      public void createAndShowDisplay()
    • focus

      public void focus()
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      args -
    • update

      public void update()
      Specified by:
      update in interface StateChartListener
    • initializeModel

      public void initializeModel(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument svgDoc)
    • addAsStateChartListener

      public void addAsStateChartListener()
    • removeAsStateChartListener

      public void removeAsStateChartListener()
    • registerCloseListener

      public void registerCloseListener(StatechartCloseListener scl)
    • notifyCloseListeners

      public void notifyCloseListeners()
    • closeDisplayWithoutNotification

      public void closeDisplayWithoutNotification()
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning()
      Checks to see if simulation is running.
    • stopped

      public void stopped()
      Description copied from interface: RunListener
      Invoked when the current run has been stopped.
      Specified by:
      stopped in interface RunListener
    • paused

      public void paused()
      Description copied from interface: RunListener
      Invoked when the current run has been paused.
      Specified by:
      paused in interface RunListener
    • started

      public void started()
      Description copied from interface: RunListener
      Invoked when the current run has been started.
      Specified by:
      started in interface RunListener
    • restarted

      public void restarted()
      Description copied from interface: RunListener
      Invoked when the current run has been restarted after a pause.
      Specified by:
      restarted in interface RunListener