Class RepastCoverageFactory


public class RepastCoverageFactory extends Object
Factory that provides support for creating GridCoverage2D instances that are writable. Current write capability of WritableGridCoverage2D is limited to a single band. TODO GIS provide multiple band write capability.
Eric Tatara
  • Field Details


      public static String NO_DATA_CATEGORY_LABEL

      public static int MAX_SHORT_COLOR_INDEX

      public static int MAX_BYTE_COLOR_INDEX
  • Constructor Details

    • RepastCoverageFactory

      public RepastCoverageFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createWritableCoverageFromFile

      public static WritableGridCoverage2D createWritableCoverageFromFile(File file, boolean forceLonLatAxisOrder)
      Create a writable coverage using a coverage file.
      file - a georeferenced coverage file such as GeoTif
      forceLonLatAxisOrder - forces lon,lat coordinate order on read
      WritableGridCoverage2D a writable GridCoverage2D
    • createCoverageFromFile

      public static org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D createCoverageFromFile(File file, boolean forceLonLatAxisOrder)
      Create a coverage using a coverage file.
      file - a georeferenced coverage file such as GeoTif
      forceLonLatAxisOrder - forces lon,lat coordinate order on read
    • createWritableCoverageDouble

      public static WritableGridCoverage2D createWritableCoverageDouble(String name, int width, int height, org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope envelope, javax.measure.Unit<?> unit, double defaultValue, double minValue, double maxValue, double noDataValue)
      Create a WritableGridCoverage2D suitable for in-memory read/write with double precision data.
      name - of the coverage
      width - the integer width of the grid
      height - the integer height of the grid
      envelope - the georeferenced envelope
      unit - the optional Unit of the data
      defaultValue - the optional default data value
      minValue - the optional minimum data used for grayscale color range
      maxValue - the optional maximum data used for grayscale color range
      noDataValue - the optional "NO DATA" value
      the WritableGridCoverage2D created with input arguments
    • createWritableCoverageFloat

      public static WritableGridCoverage2D createWritableCoverageFloat(String name, int width, int height, org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope envelope, javax.measure.Unit<?> unit, double defaultValue, double minValue, double maxValue, double noDataValue)
      Create a WritableGridCoverage2D suitable for in-memory read/write with float precision data.
      name - of the coverage
      width - the integer width of the grid
      height - the integer height of the grid
      envelope - the georeferenced envelope
      unit - the optional Unit of the data
      defaultValue - the optional default data value
      minValue - the optional minimum data used for grayscale color range
      maxValue - the optional maximum data used for grayscale color range
      noDataValue - the optional "NO DATA" value
      the WritableGridCoverage2D created with input arguments
    • createWritableCoverage

      public static WritableGridCoverage2D createWritableCoverage(String name, int width, int height, org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope envelope, int dataType, javax.measure.Unit<?> unit, Double defaultValue, Double minValue, Double maxValue, Double noDataValue)
      Create a WritableGridCoverage2D suitable for in-memory read/write.
      name - of the coverage
      width - the integer width of the grid
      height - the integer height of the grid
      envelope - the georeferenced envelope
      dataType - the DataBuffer type, e.g. DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT or TYPE_DOUBLE
      unit - the optional Unit of the data
      defaultValue - the optional default data value
      minValue - the optional minimum data used for grayscale color range
      maxValue - the optional maximum data used for grayscale color range
      noDataValue - the optional "NO DATA" value
      the WritableGridCoverage2D created with input arguments
    • createWritableByteIndexedCoverage

      public static WritableGridCoverage2D createWritableByteIndexedCoverage(String name, int width, int height, org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope envelope, org.geotools.coverage.Category[] categories, javax.measure.Unit<?> unit, int defaultValue)
    • createWritableShortIndexedCoverage

      public static WritableGridCoverage2D createWritableShortIndexedCoverage(String name, int width, int height, org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope envelope, org.geotools.coverage.Category[] categories, javax.measure.Unit<?> unit, int defaultValue)
    • createWritableIndexedCoverage

      public static WritableGridCoverage2D createWritableIndexedCoverage(String name, int width, int height, org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope envelope, org.geotools.coverage.Category[] categories, int dataType, javax.measure.Unit<?> unit, Integer defaultValue)