Annotation Type Parameter

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface Parameter
    Marks a get or set accessor method as a Parameter.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    Nick Collier
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String displayName
      The proper natural language name for this parameter.
      String usageName
      Gets java bean style property name for this parameter.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String converter
      Gets the fully qualififed name of class used to convert the return value of the annotated method to and from a String representation.
      String defaultValue
      Gets the default value of this Parameter.
    • Element Detail

      • displayName

        String displayName
        The proper natural language name for this parameter. For example, "Simple Agent Count" rather than something like "simpleAgentCount."
        proper natural language name for this parameter.
      • usageName

        String usageName
        Gets java bean style property name for this parameter. For example, if this annotates a "getFoo" method, then the property name is "foo."
        java bean style property name for this parameter.
      • defaultValue

        String defaultValue
        Gets the default value of this Parameter.
        the default value of this Parameter.
      • converter

        String converter
        Gets the fully qualififed name of class used to convert the return value of the annotated method to and from a String representation. The class must implement repast.simphony.parameter.StringConvertor. This is only necessary if the return type is not a String, a primitive value, or one of the Object representatons of a primitive (e.g. an Integer, or Boolean).
        Gets the convertor used to convert the return value of the annotated method to and from a String representation.