Class DataFileReader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DataFileReader extends Object implements Reader
This is the primary class for data file reading. This takes in a descriptor, a file name for the data, and an output writer and will parse the data file according to the descriptor, giving a final result.
Jerry Vos
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • descriptorDocument

      protected org.jdom.Document descriptorDocument
  • Constructor Details

    • DataFileReader

      public DataFileReader(OutputBuilder<?,?> outputBuilder)
      Instantiates this reader with the specified OutputBuilder used to build the object generated from the file.
      outputBuilder - used to build the result of the parsing
    • DataFileReader

      public DataFileReader(Object target)
      Instantiates this reader with the specified OutputBuilder used to build the object generated from the file.
      outputBuilder - used to build the result of the parsing
  • Method Details