Class ScheduleGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ScheduleGroup extends Object implements IAction
A collection of ISchedulableActions. This class assumes that the actions are scheduled to execute at the same tick. A ScheduleGroup will order the execution of its actions according to their priority and then execute them in the proper order. This would be done by adding the appropriate actions to this ScheduleGroup, calling sort() and then calling execute().
$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/12/21 22:25:34 $
Nick Collier
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • count

      protected int count
      The number of actions contained by this ScheduleGroup
    • actions

      protected ActionList actions
      List containing actions whose priority is a double _inside_ the range NEG_INFINITY, POS_INFINITY.
    • randomActions

      protected ActionList randomActions
      List of actions whose priority is random.
    • firstActions

      protected ActionList firstActions
      List of actions that should be executed first.
    • firstOfLastActions

      protected ActionList firstOfLastActions
      List of actions that are executed as last actions but immediately prior to those.
    • lastActions

      protected ActionList lastActions
      List of actions that should be executed last.
    • executedActions

      protected List<ISchedulableAction> executedActions
      List of executed actions. These actions will be rescheduled.
    • finishing

      protected boolean finishing
  • Constructor Details

    • ScheduleGroup

      public ScheduleGroup()
  • Method Details

    • addAction

      public void addAction(ISchedulableAction action)
      Add an IScheduleAction to this ScheduleGroup.
      action - the action to add
    • remove

      public boolean remove(ISchedulableAction action)
      Removes the specified action from this ScheduleGroup.
      action - the action to remove
      whether or not an action was removed from this group.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clears this ScheduleGroup of any ISchedulableActions it may contain
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the number of ISchedulableActions in this ScheduleGroup.
      the number of ISchedulableActions in this ScheduleGroup.
    • hasMoreToExecute

      public boolean hasMoreToExecute()
    • execute

      public void execute()
      Executes all the ISchedulableAction in this ScheduleGroup.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface IAction
    • reschedule

      public void reschedule(ActionQueue aQueue)
      Reschedules all the ISchedulableActions contained by this ScheduleGroup.
      See Also:
    • sort

      public void sort()
      Sorts the DefaultActions in this ScheduleGroup according to their priority. Those actions with a numeric priority are ordered w/r to each other. Those actions with random priority are randomly ordered w/r to the numeric actions. After sort(), a call to execute will execute the actions in the appropriate order.
    • setFinishing

      public void setFinishing(boolean finishing)
    • isFinishing

      public boolean isFinishing()