Class AnalysisPluginWizard

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AnalysisPluginWizard extends Object
A wizard for executing a third party analysis tool on a file outputter's output.
Eric Tatara, Jerry Vos
  • Field Details

    • LOG

      protected static final simphony.util.messages.MessageCenter LOG
    • wizardModel

      protected org.pietschy.wizard.models.StaticModel wizardModel
    • loggingRegistry

      protected DataSetRegistry loggingRegistry
    • homeStep

      protected BrowseForHomeStep homeStep
    • skipFirstStep

      protected boolean skipFirstStep
    • defaultLocation

      protected String defaultLocation
    • installHome

      protected String installHome
    • name

      protected String name
    • licenseFileName

      protected String licenseFileName
    • fileStep

      protected FileSinkChooserStep fileStep
  • Constructor Details

    • AnalysisPluginWizard

      public AnalysisPluginWizard()
    • AnalysisPluginWizard

      public AnalysisPluginWizard(DataSetRegistry loggingRegistry, boolean showCopyright, boolean browseForRHome, String name, String installHome, String defaultLocation, String licenseFileName)
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(DataSetRegistry loggingRegistry, boolean showCopyright, boolean browseForRHome, String name, String installHome, String defaultLocation, String licenseFileName)
    • setupWizard

      protected void setupWizard(boolean showCopyright, boolean browseForHome)
    • addCopyRightStep

      protected void addCopyRightStep()
    • addBrowseForHomeStep

      protected void addBrowseForHomeStep()
    • addSelectOutputterStep

      protected void addSelectOutputterStep()
    • prepFileNameFor

      protected String prepFileNameFor(String fileName)
    • getInstallHome

      public String getInstallHome()
      Gets the home directory of the application.
      String path of the application directory
    • showDialogModal

      public boolean showDialogModal()
      Shows the wizard in a modal dialog.
      if the wizard was was completed (true) or canceled (false).
    • setHome

      public void setHome(String settingsRHome)
    • getExecutionCommand

      public abstract String[] getExecutionCommand()
      Subclasses must specify the execution command including executable location and arguments required to run the external plugin.
      the execution command path and arguments.
    • getEnvVars

      public Map<String,String> getEnvVars()
    • getCannotRunMessage

      public abstract String getCannotRunMessage()
      Message for when the plugin executable fails.
      Message for when the plugin executable fails.